jueves, 6 de agosto de 2020

Restoration - Love of heritage

How can we talk about a topic we have liked this semester in a specific field. This semester I got into the field of Restoration as a complementary workshop in my curriculum, although with the quarantine and confinement I regretted having enrolled in this branch because it is very presential, with the arrangement of ceramic pieces or supports and more complex materials, but theoretically the development of the course surprised me a lot over time, I have learned many things that I did not know about the restoration and conservation of works of art, knowledge that will serve me in the future for the care of the pieces that I will be creating throughout my career. My titular professor in the field is part of UNESCO and has made me very aware of the care that must be taken with heritage and love for our memory and the elements that were part of our history. In the end these are the only things left from the past, and they must be contemplated and respected in a proper way.

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