jueves, 6 de agosto de 2020

My blog experience

The truth is that I'm not a lover of technology, so it's very difficult for me to understand how this kind of things work, not from now on but from always, only in this case the blog was my challenge. I never thought I would have one in my life hahaha I've always refused a lot when learning about technology, sometimes I feel half technofob, but being mandatory and part of the industry I had to learn how to use it and write post weekly, at first it was very frustrating because I did not understand much how it worked, but thanks to my colleagues in the same industry I could have a tidy and nicer blog. After a while and having uploaded a couple of posts to the blog, I got used to the mode and I think it was a plus for the course, since the English evaluations are always the same and the use of the blog made the branch more fun! I've always had a hard time with English and this way of learning it was different and I'll always be grateful for the changes in paradigms and ways of teaching that are different to the common and more formal ways of teaching. It was a good experience in general and I liked being part of this course.

Restoration - Love of heritage

How can we talk about a topic we have liked this semester in a specific field. This semester I got into the field of Restoration as a complementary workshop in my curriculum, although with the quarantine and confinement I regretted having enrolled in this branch because it is very presential, with the arrangement of ceramic pieces or supports and more complex materials, but theoretically the development of the course surprised me a lot over time, I have learned many things that I did not know about the restoration and conservation of works of art, knowledge that will serve me in the future for the care of the pieces that I will be creating throughout my career. My titular professor in the field is part of UNESCO and has made me very aware of the care that must be taken with heritage and love for our memory and the elements that were part of our history. In the end these are the only things left from the past, and they must be contemplated and respected in a proper way.

lunes, 3 de agosto de 2020

Master of textile and color

Last year I had the opportunity and the honor to participate in an artistic residency in Peru, with the Peruvian textile artist Maximo Laura. Apart from being very humble and simple, he gave his knowledge of textiles and the theory of color, openly showing his cosmovision of the world and how he sees life through his art. Maximo Laura is recognized for being one of the most influential artists within the American and world scene, in the world of textiles and large scale tapestries. In 2016 I went to Machu Picchu and one day to get to know Lima we went downtown to visit an art gallery. I was amazed and I commented openly that I loved textiles and that I had never seen anything like it, and he was next to me and asked me which was my favorite. He invited me to his artistic residency, giving me the information to apply for the next year so that I could meet him more last year during my stay in Peru. This was one of the most beautiful experiences I've had in every sense! I consider my teacher to be the best and a fundamental part of the love I have for the textile art.