viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2020


My opinion about marijuana and other drugs, talking about how behaviors and laws should be implemented in my territory, Chile. This considering that I am active consumer of the cannabis and I do not believe that this is a drug, but a plant with different properties, which I assimilate but to a healing plant, that does not make me dependent on her, nor it has addictive factors related to the consumption. Something that the society usually relates between the marijuana and other "hard" drugs is that they have a conductive thread, in the sense that it is believed that the marijuana takes to you to consume synthetic and strong drugs but in effect as they are it the cocaine and the ecstasy. In Chile these drugs are consumed commonly, but well it is known that in his majority they are addictive and by ignorance or badly management of consumption they arrive at excesses nonwished and often until the death. I believe that it is necessary to separate the drugs and his specific aims, the marijuana by its side would have to be legal for a long time since it is a natural resource but, and when implementing laws that endorse what the consumer puts to his body, mediating the consumption and the relation of quality v/s prices, would be everything seen from another point of view, with a vision that is based on the contemporaneousness and new forms to see something that before was taboo. Regarding synthetic drugs and their legalization, I believe that it should be carried out for various reasons, one of these is that consumption will continue to exist but in a clandestine manner and not in moderation, on the other hand, if safe consumption practices are implemented and more informed, many misfortunes will be avoided. *Last Wednesday the ONU recognized the medicinal properties of cannabis in a vote in Vienna of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the executive body on drug policy of the United Nations.

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