viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2020

My ideal jobs

In this post I will talk about my dreams and longings in the short and long term, since my career has no assigned jobs, on the contrary, it is a career that is made from time and work. If we talk about an ideal, I would like to work outdoors, being able to have contact with the land and nature is something fundamental for me. I would like to travel the world doing what I like, to know different cultures, people, places... at the same time that I work and I continue consecrating my knowledge and learning. Ideally I would like to be in constant learning throughout my life, I think that one never stops knowing new things in various aspects of life. I would say that I don't care about the salary, since I don't care how much I earn if I am leading the life I want and I am happy with what I do, but something has to be lived, so I think I would like to work in something that would give me enough money to lead a simple but autonomous life. In the first place, after finishing my current career (Visual Arts) I would like to leave the country, learn from other territories the ways of seeing art. Doing a postgraduate degree abroad while working for a living, what I have in mind and the fields that interest me most are, on the one hand, the restoration and conservation of pre-Columbian textiles specifically, and on the other hand, art direction and/or photography. I would also like to learn more about the fields of botany, architecture, design, adventure tourism and many more!

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