viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2020

My ideal jobs

In this post I will talk about my dreams and longings in the short and long term, since my career has no assigned jobs, on the contrary, it is a career that is made from time and work. If we talk about an ideal, I would like to work outdoors, being able to have contact with the land and nature is something fundamental for me. I would like to travel the world doing what I like, to know different cultures, people, places... at the same time that I work and I continue consecrating my knowledge and learning. Ideally I would like to be in constant learning throughout my life, I think that one never stops knowing new things in various aspects of life. I would say that I don't care about the salary, since I don't care how much I earn if I am leading the life I want and I am happy with what I do, but something has to be lived, so I think I would like to work in something that would give me enough money to lead a simple but autonomous life. In the first place, after finishing my current career (Visual Arts) I would like to leave the country, learn from other territories the ways of seeing art. Doing a postgraduate degree abroad while working for a living, what I have in mind and the fields that interest me most are, on the one hand, the restoration and conservation of pre-Columbian textiles specifically, and on the other hand, art direction and/or photography. I would also like to learn more about the fields of botany, architecture, design, adventure tourism and many more!

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2020

Black Mirror: Criticizes technology and the human.

Black Mirror is that mirror in which we look at ourselves obsessively and compulsively every day. Charlie Brooker(Director) is aware of the abuses of a technology that seems to have no limits and that, added to the human evil and the ironic sadism of the author, leads us to this corrosive satire of modernity. This series has five seasons of three and six self-concluding chapters of between 40 minutes and one hour approximately, episodes without a plot continuity that are enjoyed as much separately as in a serious marathon. With respect to the plot of the series, it stresses and puts on the table common themes, conflicts that are usually lived, taken to a futuristic context, to which I at least, do not see so far... Showing each story with a different aesthetic, which carried out with digital media is visualized closer to reality. But stories full of tension, anguish, doubts, fear and reflection. A series that definitely has to be seen and questioned different aspects of the life in which we are inserted and to which we go as a society in a global environment.

Travel through Southeast Asia; Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia and Singapore.

The experience of having known the Southeast Asia was unique! and I would do it a thousand and one more time, this vacation was in March of last year (2019), we went for a month with my parents to travel and meet new cultures in Asia. At the beginning we were in Thailand; we visited the market, we took public transportation with the intention of getting to know how life really was there, palaces, culture in its museums and streets. After that we were in Cambodia; place used as a set in several movies in order to show ruins and "uninhabited or recondite" spaces. Then we were on Redang Island in Malaysia, an island paradise where there was nothing but the huts where we slept and the general dining room, to eat and share with other tourists or to keep out of the rain in a group. Later we went to Singupur; a modern city where we lived the bohemian life and got to know more contemporary architecture. At the end of the trip we returned to Thailand but in the south of the country, visiting the paradisiacal beaches and the most exploited part of the tourism in that area (Pucket). This trip meant a lot to me, because it allowed me to meet myself and my relationship with my parents, to be the three of us as a family, alone in a part of the world so far away from ours, with another language, other ways of life... it was a challenge! but we had a great time! and having the possibility of knowing a culture so different from your own makes you see everything differently.